Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Annual Egg Hunt on March 28, 2008

Please join us for the annual North Haven/Ironwoods Egg Hunt on
Saturday, March 28 at 10 AM at the North Haven Park. There will
be fun and games for all.

Please let me know if you are willing to contribute candy,
stuff eggs, bring refreshments or volunteer to help set up.


Margaret Pendzich, 968-8613 or mpendzich@mindspring.com

PS: Rain date is Sunday, March 29 at 1 PM.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The NHHOA Board is currently debating whether to get some new mailboxes for the neighborhood.

Anyone have any opinions on this? What do you like or not like about the boxes we have today?

There is >$18,000 in the HOA account. Replacement mailboxes (utilitarian, as we have today) run ~$1000 to $1500 each, plus installation costs. There are four in North Haven.

Pro: some (most?) of the mailboxes are looking pretty shabby, i.e. not enhancing your neighborhood and property values.

Con: we need to keep money in the bank for contingencies.

As far as I know, the mailboxes are made in the USA... so our purchase would constitute a legitimate "Stimulus"!

Click the post title to see the products at BudgetMailboxes.com...just an example, you can Google "cluster mailboxes" or "CBU mailboxes" for more.